School Meals and Healthy Eating 


As part of our provision, we encourage pupils to eat healthily in school. Pupils in the Infant School are offered fruit each day. In the Junior  School we encourage pupils to eat a healthy snack, preferably fruit, at breaktimes. With regards to school lunches, Hampshire County Council Education Catering is the County Council's Catering Service and we use their services. They are the main provider of educational catering within Hampshire and ensure our menus meet the current government nutritional standards. For more information please visit their main website as linked below.

From September 2014, the Government provided a universal ‘free’ school lunch for all Infant children. However, if you are in receipt of certain state benefits (that would previously have entitled your child to free school lunches under the old system), you are able to claim free lunches once your child is in the Junior school. If you feel you may be eligible to claim free school meals, please contact the Junior school office for more information and support. This will ensure the correct funding is paid to the school to support with this.

If your child has food allergies you must complete a form, provide medical evidence, and have this authorised by Hampshire County Council Education Catering before any meals are taken. Please contact the relevant school office for support with this.

Further information can be found in our food policy  below.

Food Policy

Education catering website

School Dinner Menu

Yellow Option Menu

Junior Tuck Shop Menu