Our Federation

The Infant School

Orchard Lea infant school is a two form entry school. Our day starts at 8.50am until 3.10pm. The school is open for a total of 31 hours and 40 minutes. There are six classes in the school, which presently accommodate 161 pupils from the surrounding area. The classes in Year R are named Caterpillar and Ladybird. Year 1 are Dragonfly and Ant, with Year 2 named Bumblebee and Butterfly. We have a very experienced Early Years Lead in the school, as well as a Teaching and Learning Lead and SENCo, shared across the federation. The school has an excellent early years transition from pre-school to starting year R and then from Year 2, as the children move to the junior school. We have a range of experienced staff in the school, including teachers and Learning Support Assistants. The school is very spacious with each class having an outdoor area, an art area as well as a SEND room, Nurture room and a lovely library, which children visit weekly. Our Learning Power characters: Mighty Mouse, Ready Robin, Observant Owl, Caring Koala and Busy Bee are central to our teaching and learning. Children experience a range of school trips and visits, such as visits to Beaulieu Transport museum, as well as visiting the Portsmouth Historic Dockyard. We also aim to develop the whole child by providing opportunities such as yoga, playing musical instruments, such as the ukulele and recorder. Children can be elected as Pupil councillors or volunteer for the roles of E-Cadet, Playground Carer and Lunchtime superstar. We are a very happy, family centred school and look forward to welcoming you to Orchard Lea infant school.

The Junior School

At Orchard Lea junior school our aim is for every child to flourish personally and academically. We work daily to model and encourage a caring environment, inspire our children to be aspirational in everything they do and to collaborate effectively.

Children at Orchard Lea junior are delightful. They are eager to learn, polite and happy. Classrooms are purposeful and calm working environments where all children are valued. We strive to create an inclusive school where we identify and overcome any barriers our children may have in order to enable them to achieve their best.

We are a two form entry school. Our day starts at 8.40am until 3.15pm. the school is open for a total of 32hours and 55 minutes. There are eight classes in the school, which can have class sizes up to 32. The classes are named after endangered animals.

Year 3

Panda Class

Polar Bear Class

Year 4

Whale Class

Turtle Class

Year 5

Tiger Class

Elephant Class

Year 6

Leopard Class

Panther Class


Almost all children transition from Year 2 into Year 3. The work and preparation for this begins in the Summer term, with teacher across both schools working collaboratively to plan and arrange a variety of tasks and opportunities which help ensure there is a smooth transition.

Our curriculum is well-sequenced, progressive and ambitious.  The extensive school grounds and large building supports the wider curriculum with an art room, music room, inviting library and well-equipped ICT suite. Children are encouraged to explore their interests and talents outside of the classroom which is supported through our growing number of extra-curricular clubs on offer as well as expert music teaching.  Children experience a range of educational visits, such as Winchester Science Centre, Fort Nelson and Chichester Harbour Conservancy. Our Year 6 pupils also attend a residential.

In addition to the National Curriculum, we teach the children our Learning Powers.  These are learning skills and attitudes we believe all our children should develop in order to be the best learners they can be. Our Learning Powers build on those at the infant school and are; Caring, Resilient, Independent, Collaborative and Reflective.

The driving force behind the school’s aspirations are our exceptional staff. The teachers, support staff and admin team have an unwavering commitment to giving the children the best possible education.